a man in a suit and tie standing in front of a white wall

Established in 2024, Etteldorf Custom Cabinetry is a small, family-owned business located in Macon, Missouri.

Custom White Vanity
Custom White Vanity
Built-In Silverware Dividers
Built-In Silverware Dividers

About Us

Pull-Out Trays
Pull-Out Trays
Custom Office Shelving
Custom Office Shelving

Joshua Etteldorf, owner and operator, has fifteen years’ experience designing, building, and installing custom cabinetry for homeowners, contractors, and commercial spaces.

white painted wall
white painted wall
white painted wall
white painted wall
white wall paint with black shadow
white wall paint with black shadow
white wall paint with black shadow
white wall paint with black shadow
white wall paint with black shadow
white wall paint with black shadow
Custom Office Shelving


Family & God

Etteldorf Custom Cabinetry is not only a family-owned business, but a family-operated one as well.

Joshua’s two sons are learning the trade from him as they help out around the shop.

His wife, Eden, helps in the office, on installs, and in the shop when needed.

As a Christian company, we believe in delivering quality work to the satisfaction of our customers.

"Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." -Colossians 3:17

white wall paint with black shadow

We are a family of 4 based in Macon, Missouri with a love for cabinetry.

We are not inexperienced in driving several hours to get to work. We have even done jobs in Iowa.

We work as hard as we can to bring you the best cabinets for your home and for your family.

We try to make it as easy as we can to order custom cabinets that suit your needs, family, and style.

We work hard till the job is done to offer cabinets, islands, and even granite counters.

A note from our young son:

white painted wall
Mahogany Hope Chest
Mahogany Hope Chest

Our Shop

Etteldorf Custom Cabinetry

27899 Lynx Ave, Macon, MO 63552

We're out in the country!

Etteldorf Custom Cabinetry is located about 4 miles northeast of Macon, MO.

We're working in a new shop!

Sometimes we're working in the shop, sometimes we're out on an install - best to call/text to make sure we're here before you come, but not necessary.

Get in touch with us!

We're ready to answer any questions and get your cabinet project started.

white painted wall
white painted wall
white wall paint with black shadow
white wall paint with black shadow

Our Shop